HTMLDOC Problem:

Htmldoc produced no pdf-output.
typo3conf/ext/htmldoc_linux/bin/htmldoc --datadir typo3conf/ext/htmldoc_linux/share/htmldoc -t pdf13  --webpage -f /var/www/vhosts/ - 2>/var/www/vhosts/

This is the stderr output of the htmldoc command without the htmldoc_append parameters:
If you see no errors here please check your htmldoc_append parameters too.
typo3conf/ext/htmldoc_linux/bin/htmldoc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

These are the first 80 chars of the output of the htmldoc command. Regularily this should begin with %PDF:

This is the html-data passed to htmldoc:
<!DOCTYPE html
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